Racing to find a breakthrough in the prevention or treatment of dementia
Today, more than 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia. Without a cure, one in three people born today will die with dementia. A new person develops dementia every three seconds, and it is anticipated that by 2030 the global societal cost of caring for dementia patients will exceed US$2.8 trillion.
1 in 2 people born today will die with dementia!
Band2gthr has evolved into a lifestyle system designed to prevent and slow down dementia by optimizing health, performance, and longevity.
Simply put, at B2G, we aim to help people become the most versatile and resilient human beings possible while improving every aspect of our lives.

Band2gthr is dedicated to educating and raising awareness about dementia and its prevention. Our mission is to empower and bring together individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the impact of dementia and take steps toward prevention. With a growing aging population, the need for education and awareness about dementia is more critical than ever. We offer a range of resources and services, including workshops, seminars, and online courses, to educate individuals, families, and caregivers about the latest research and preventative strategies. Join us in the fight against dementia; together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this debilitating disease.
R.A.D. (Race Against Dementia)

TBD (dd-mmm-yyyy)

Dimple Dell. Granite Park, 2725 Grouse Creek Cir, Sandy, UT 84092
Format - A backyard ultra is a form of ultramarathon race where competitors must consecutively run a distance of 6,706 meters (4.167 miles) in less than one hour. When each lap is completed, the remaining time within the hour is typically used to recover for the next hour’s race. The race is over when only one runner remains to complete a lap. The format of this event makes it conducive for anyone of all ages and skills to participate.

At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.
- Steve Maraboli
The world is full of chaos, uncertainty, and more. People are in need of love, positivity, and mental health prosperity. What can you do today to live a life without regrets? Is it reaching out to someone in need? Is it admitting you yourself need help? What is it you can do? Band2Gthr aims to create a community of Bandits, banded in a common cause to remove the stigma of depression and mental health, and provide challenges for all of us to uplift our world.
Your challenge is to join this community of Bandits (provide site and social handles), sign up for its newsletter, and start your journey as one who is empowering the world by utilizing the social frame provided herein.
Bandit: Today, find 1 person who is in need of help and perform an act of service, post and tag it with #band2gthr, and share with them this virtual "Band2Gthr" ring."

Why Band2Gthr
Chances are pretty good you, or someone you know has suffered from depression. Maybe you’re suffering right now. Did you know:
Depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people age 15-44;
Two out of three people with depression do not actively seek nor receive proper treatment;
One in Five Americans will be impacted by mental illness during their lifetimes;
We lose about as many people to suicide each year as we do to breast cancer;
Maybe you don’t know what’s wrong with your teenager and you’re worried but unsure how to ask.